Mini Studio
Artist-led workshops for parents, carers, and preschool children.
Suitable for 0-5 years old, accompanied by an adult.
Second Tuesday of each month (term time) 10.30am to 12pm.
Tickets cost £10 per child, up to a maximum of £25 per family. This includes gallery entry, Mini Studio activities and a snack for everyone.
Bursary places are available for those on a low income. Please contact us at the address below for more information.
Mini Studio
Term-time workshops for parents, carers, and preschool children. Take part in relaxed guided exploration followed by multisensory play with a Sainsbury Centre artist.
April No Mini Studio
13 May Sea Monster with Rose Feather. Who is hiding in the deep sea? Adventures in the World of Water and creative play in the Studio. Book here.
10 June Waves with Abby Page. Bobbing and rippling, swelling crashing! Join Abby Page to explore the movement of ocean waves large and small. Book here
8 July Watery World with Dot Howard. A multisensensory exploration of water, inspired by artworks at the Sainsbury Centre. Book here
Booking is essential.
For more information or to book a bursary place, please contact Rach: rachel.anstey@uea.ac.uk
Parking: Our car park opposite the main entrance gets full at busy times. Free overflow parking is available at Car park 5 (UEA Central) and Car Park 3 (UEA West). At the barrier, use the intercom to state you are visiting the Sainsbury Centre. Register your car at Sainsbury Centre Reception as usual. To get to these alternative car parks, turn left out of the Sainsbury Centre car park and follow the one-way system, turning left again after you pass under the buildings and back down the hill.